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We came back 6097 days ago.

Our last access to this website was 5 years 15 weeks ago.


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Dave & Jessica

After sleeping a little, we go back to the hostel’s internet café, and there we run into Dan the American and the two Canadians, Dave and Jessica.

We tell them our misadventures and that makes them smile, because they obviously went through the same thing. In fact, Dan has told us that morning that beginning our journey in Delhi was a real “baptism of fire”. We suggest to Dave and Jessica to go dining together and they happily accept. They take us to the “Sonu Chat House”, a little restaurant on the Main Bazaar recommended by Lonely Planet, a place our friends have already told us about.

The waiter is a (very) little smiling Nepalese guy. We have a very consistent meal, for which we pay about €5 for 4 persons (drinks included). We chat quite a lot with Dave and Jessica. They really are very nice. They started their journey in October and visited Egypt where, according to them, the scalpers are 10 times worse than here.

While going out of the restaurant, we run into a young Dutch-speaking Belgian girl. For the second time this day, we have the chance to speak Dutch. On the other hand, there’s no French-speaker on the horizon yet.

All stuffed with food, we go back to the hostel and after a good shower, we sleep like logs. Strangely enough, despite some misadventures we had on our first walk, this day ends leaving us a very good impression. The journey begins well.

This text has been voluntarily translated from French by Cristina Lumezeanu. Big thanks to her! If you think there is a translation mistake, don’t hesitate to contact us.